The Magic of Spring Equinox

In just a few days, Spring Equinox will be upon us and it's a time of pure Magic!
Hi there!
It's been a while since I was here and that's mostly because of my new Love. My Podcast! It takes time preparing and recording. Sometimes I wonder why I'm putting so much energy into it, but then I remember; I Love doing it!
Any way! Today I'm here to talk about an upcoming sabbath, which I think most of you have celebrated, one way or the other: Spring Equinox. Or, Ostara, as many also call it. Many of you may celebrate it in the way of Easter, which is the christian holiday.
But let's take a few steps back. You see, Ostara isn't something new. Mankind have been celebrating the light for thousands of years and many ancient cultures made huge monument to keep track of time. There is Stonehenge in England, the pyramid of Khafre and the great Sphinx in Egypt, Chichén - Itza pyramid in Mexico and the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, just to mention a few.
Since I'm a Priestess of Isis and Atlantis, I am celebrating the Egyptian dieties as well. For the ancient Egyptians spring Equinox was a celebration of Osiris and Isis. You see, they hold the power of death and ressurection.

Osiris and Isis, the God and Goddess, ruled an ancient land. They were also brother and sister, king and queen. Due to a dispute between Osiris and Seth, the God of war, Seth killed Osiris and cut his body into pieces and scattered him throughout the world. Seth wanted to make sure that Osiris was never to be found. This broke Isis heart and she began to search for Osiris scattered bodyparts, piece by pice, until she had found them all. With great Love and Magic, she put his body back together. But he was never the same again. He wasn't able to rule by her side as Her King. Isis made him Lord and Judge of the dead. In order to enter His kingdom, the deceased had to go through the hall of judgement, where their heart was put on a weighing scale. The heart was balanced against the feather of Ma'at. Before Osiris became king of the underworld, he and Isis conceived a baby son: Horus, the Sun God.
No wonder the christians needed this holiday for the death and ressurection of Yeshua. Spring Equinox holds the energy of life and death, total balance. And there is nothing more balanced than life itself, right?

In our modern life, we need balance more than ever. We have run away from ourselves by living our life outside of our bodies. Mostly within a platform like facebook, instagram or tiktok. We have lost connection with Mother Gaia and I belive that's the biggest issue of our time. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and live a much simpler life. Everything wasn't simpler, of course, but many things was. Earth will always bring us challenges and that's the point by choosing a life on earth. We, every soul, are here to grow, learn and understand that the Divine power that we are searching for outside ourselves, really are to be found within.
Spring Equinox, Ostara, are here to help us find our inner Divinity. You need to follow the balanced wheel of life, to fully understand yourself and find balance within. Because that's where it all begins.
Ostara is a time of fertility. Yes! The world are waking up from the winter slumber and are ready to LIVE. Every living thing on earth, which includes EVERYTHING, are ready to conceive, grow, learn, live and love. We celebrate the Maiden aspect of the Goddess and she, you and me, are at her young age (the beginning of the year) and are ready to become pregnant with everything new in life. This hasn't have to do with a physical pregnancy, but a new way of living, thinking and doing. At this time, we move on from the darkness and, for a while, are putting that dark peiod of winter behind us. WE ARE MOVING FORWARD!
I also think it's important for you to understand the deeper meaning of witches on the christian celebration of easter. Like I just wrote, Spring Equinox, Ostara, is all about the Femenine frequency. You know; Life, fertility and also death and ressurection. The christians doesn't want anything to do with the female energy, and therefore, here in sweden, they made up that witches flew on their broomsticks to a place called Blåkulla on the Good friday and then returned on Easter Eve. That was a way of scaring people not to trust women. The witch trials killed more than 400 people. So the church's fear of the Divine feminine, are real. And are still holding on to that fear.
This Spring Equinox I will celebrate all the women who came before me. Heal their wounds. Heal their sorrows. Heal their fears and raise their frequency.
If there are anything else we should do at this time, it is to celebrate all the women and mothers around the world. Without them, there wouldn't be life! I know that life wouldn't be possible without the men, but it is the woman who carries Life. She holds the eggs of her children and grandchildren inside of her. She holds the wounds of hundreds of women living before her. She holds the great magic of the Divine Feminine within her. She is a chalice of pure Divinity and are the Holy Grail.
I wish you all a Magical Equinox!
With Blessings