Sacred Journey is an online temple space 

for inner soul work, awakening the Divine Feminine and Healing ancestral wounds.

Our Mystery School is a place of Divine knowledge and

a place for the Soul to expand. 

Priestess of Isis

Isis is seen as the primordial mother and Goddess of death and rebirth. The queen of heaven and earth. Within her temple you will walk through the alchemical magic of death and resurrection.

Isis holds the primal Divinity in her temple, the one that we are all made from and meant to live through. She helps us to activate the codes for our souls, that has fallen into oblivion and allows us to be rebirthed into the Divine being that we actually are meant to be. 

Priestess of Atlantis

Atlantis lays really close to my heart and is truly my home! I have lived many lifetimes in Atlantis and I keep coming back to that ancient magic.

The Atlantean frequency are reawakening and many souls are waking up from their deep slumber. The memories of Atlantis has been activated and are growing stronger. Atlantis holds a frequency and time of deep Divine knowledge and the people of that time knew what kind of power they held.

I frequently work on the reactivation of the frequencies of Atlantis on earth and to raise the global consciousness and the Divine Feminine.When Atlantis fell, the Divine consciousness fell with it. The Atlantean temple teachings originates from Goddess Isis, who is the primordial mother Goddess. 

Magdalene Priestess

Being a Priestess in the temple of Magdalene is all about spreading the frequency of Goddess Isis and the Divine Feminine. The same doctrine that was preached during the time of Mary Magdalene, but which the church then denied in fear of the Feminine power.

The Roselineage of Mary Magdalene springs from the Heart chakra and holds the purest form of Divine Feminine. Mary Magdalene herself preached about the way of Love and was a High Priestess of her own temple as well as the temple of Isis, where the Magdalene temple teachings originates from. 

As a Priestess of the Magdalene temple, I choose Love.


Being a priestess is nothing you choose to be once in a while, but a way of living.


I am also psychic and have been working as a psychic medium for several years. I have chosen to put this part of me aside and take no longer clients, since my life is dedicated to my Priestess path. I also used to do tarot readings, but as I see it, the tarotcards are just a way to boost your ego and doesn't really tell you anything that you doesn't already know. Let's instead learn to trust the inner Divine knowing, instead of searching for confirmation outside ourselves.

It's the apiritual development that takes us forward and what i think is important. Especially in these times where the world leaders creates war and turning people against eachother.  Mankind has forgotten about their Divinity and my mission is to reawake them. I know that it's quite a big job to do on my own and that's why I am reaching out to all of you!

I really hope to inspire you to search for your inner great Divinity and have faith in yourself, your decisions and your feelings. We are standing before the Golden Age that will reclaim our Divine truth.

With Blessings!

Copyright 2023 Anna Mattsson Sacred Journey